Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Catch Up

We decided to put the house on the market and got Miles' friend, Garrie, to list it.  We only had a couple showings with no bites.

There is a campground south of Colorado Springs, Mountaindale, which we had planned to stay at.  While I was out on their site, I noticed that they had a section for workampers so Miles gave them a call and the gentlemen said they needed people, but had no space.  He asked for us to send him our resume just in case he got some space. 

I went to which is a site I had joined a few months earlier so we could learn all about work camping.  On the site there was a section that walked you through creating a resume so I created one for us.  Not too long after that we received an email with an offer for a workamper position in California.  The owner, Billl, gave us a call and we were offered the job.  That is when things got really crazy.

In the meantime, at Compassion we had a classified ad site and I saw that someone was looking for a house to lease so I contacted her and they came and took a look at the house and loved it.

All the pieces were falling together for us to leave and we decided we could wrap everything up and be in Columbia, California by August 8th.  Which just happens to be my lovely daughter's birthday.

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