Monday, September 20, 2010

49er RV Ranch

When we arrived at the 49er RV Ranch, they had to hook The monster up to a 4 wheel truck that could pull it up the hill to spot 37 which was going to be a temporary spot but looks like it will be our permanent spot while here.

Our Columbia, CA home

We've gotten all settled in and enjoying the area.  We arrived on August 8th and plan to stay at least 6 months. 

We didn't start working until Tuesday, August 10th.  Miles is doing maintenance work and I'm working in the office/store. 

This is the laundry and restrooms which have nice roomy tile showers.

Workampers, Alf and Sally's hummingbird feeders outside their rig. 
They go through 15 pounds of sugar a week.
The Waterwheel and the gold panning area where Gold Ray gives gold panning lessons
Log cabin that Bill, the owner, built

Walkway to The Monster
Looking down the walkway to the fire circle where the Friday night activities take place.
We climb this hill after work each day to get home.
Friday night Shannon and Jessie prepare ranch dogs, chili, and all the fixin's for everyone.  Sometimes Bill will tell some of the history of the area and sometimes there is music and singing.  Over Labor Day weekend, Donna fixed rootbeer floats for campers and workampers.
Our pet kitty

Next post will be our trip to Jamestown, CA.  Our first outing after arriving in California.

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