Monday, September 20, 2010

Jamestown, California

On August 15, 2010 we took off in search of a church.  We ended up in Jamestown, California, about 8 or so miles from Columbia.

Miles at once was the Jamestown Jail
All about the jail
Behind the jail
Lots of unusal and old buildings in Jamestown

The gazebo in the city park

Gateway to the southern mines...

One of the local restaurants

The sign says it all

We took several pictures with Miles' phone, but I'm not able to transfer them to the computer so here is a link to Jamestown, California.  Be sure to check out Railtown.  It was really great.  In the meantime, I'll be trying to send the pictures to my DROID so I can move them to the computer.  Needless to say our cell phone services is just about nil here. 

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