Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Getting Ready to Leave

We had three garage sales in an attempt to get rid of all the "stuff" that we wouldn't have room for or didn't want to take on our adventure to workamping.

The first was in May and then two in July.  I must say we were very successful and didn't end up having to take too much to Goodwill or ARC.  That is to say all the "stuff" that went into the garage sales.

Miles had problems letting go of all his "stuff".  Thankfully, Michael, his son, and his wife, Jennifer, spent two days helping Miles to decide what to do with everything.  A few things that we held on to for Alison, Miles' daughter, went to Mike's so he could send it on to her.  There was a truck load of "stuff" that went to the dump and another load that went to ARC.  The rest got take to Mike and Jennifer's where they were going to sort through it and keep what they wanted and find homes for the rest of it.

It definitely got touchy for awhile, but it all worked out in the end.

We spent Friday and Saturday (7/30 and 7/31) cleaning the house and getting the rest of the things into The Monster. 

Saturday afternoon about 2:00 PM we headed up to the South Meadows Campground outside of Woodland Park, Colorado, where we would stay until Monday.  I found out that if I worked one day in August, that I would have insurance coverage for August so I was able to move my last day at work from 7/30 to 8/2.

Our friends, Deana and Bill, came up to the campground Saturday and brought us dinner which we all enjoyed together.  I sure will miss Deana and my lunches together at work as well as our periodic breakfasts at Mimi's and movies.

On Sunday, Michael and Jennifer came up and brought us lunch.  We had a great time visiting and will surely miss them more than I can say.

A friend I worked with, Beth, lives in Woodland Park, and gave me a ride into work on 8/2.  Miles and the dogs headed down the mountain about 11:30 and picked me up from work at 1:00 and we headed to Cheyenne, Wyoming which would be our first nights stop.

It all came together perfectly.  Thank you Lord!

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