Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Monday, August 2, 2010 - Our Journey Begins

Miles picked me up at Compassion at 1:00, went in and signed some paperwork on my pension and away we went.  Destinantion for the day, Cheyenne, Wyoming.

It was truly a remarkable day; I've been working most of my life and I just quit my job with Compassion after having been there 4 days shy of 9 years and Miles had quit his job at Faricy after being there a total of 6 years.  He took a sabatacle to visit his daughter, Alison, and her family in England for 6 months and then some extra time until after we were married.

We stopped north of Denver and met up with Jonathan and picked up Alder.  It was with great emotions to say the least.  Jonathan wasn't happy that Alder was coming with us to California, but he didn't have the space to keep him in Denver and he continues to travel with his job.  Of course we'll be back to Colorado and he can always come out here for a visit.

Alder on his bed in The Monster the morning of 8/3/10
Lola enjoying herself in The Monster the morning of 8/3/10

Our first night we stayed at the A.B. Camping campground in Cheyenne, Wyoming.  My first experience is a full hook-up RV park and I must say it was pretty nice.  I did a couple loads of laundry in the laundry and then got a nice hot shower in their spacious ladies' shower room.  The shower in The Moster is nice but a bit cramped so when there is one available in a campground, I take full advanate of it.  Miles seems to enjoy the one in The Monster as he hasn't checked out any of the campground ones.

Here we are at the A.B. Camping Camground
A nice shady spot

I believe we went about 129 miles our first day out.  Not too bad since we didn't leave until 2:00ish.

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