Sunday, October 10, 2010

What do Festifall and Geocaching Have In Common?

We did both on 10/10/10. 

The day started out with a trip to the Prompt Care facility in Sonora to get me checked out.  I've had a cold with horrible coughing for about 12 days and it was getting the best of me.  Turned out I have bronchitis and was prescribed antibiotics, Predisone and cough syrup with Codeine so I'm on the mend.  Came home and rested for awhile and decided to attend the Festifall taking place in Columbia Historical State Park which is all the town we have here.  It was really nice and the weather was perfect.  Here are some pictures of the Festifall.

The Mercantile is a working grocery store

Festifall had about 50 vendors participating

Lots of good music
The blacksmith where you can buy all kinds of things
This guy playing the guitar and harmonica was really good.
These guys were so cool
A lot of people in period dress
Check out the gun


You can go for a rde on the stagecoach.  I've heard it even gets robbed.

Whats a fall festival without pumpkins
This is Clarisa

We bought a cupcake and strawberry oat bar here
Miles will be building something similar to this for the 49er RV Ranch

More good music
 Finding the correct hat size

Soakig the hat so it can be shaped

 Lisa starting to shape the hat

Check out the hair.  Miles is letting it grow and will have a baby pony tail before you know it
 Miles wearing his new hat shaped by Lisa
 The rocks are everywhere; not sure what they are

Next we decided to do some geocaching.  One of the things on my bucket list is to geocache in every state except Hawaii (no desire to go there).  Don't know what geocaching is?  It is a modern day treasure hunt in the great outdoors.  There are caches all over the world.  The catch is you need a GPS to find the caches.  I have a DROID phone and finally was able to download the groundspeak program for only $9.99 which was so much cheaper than buying a decent GPS and it works great.  Please check out this link as it will tell you all about it. 

Geocaching (all the ins and outs)

I challenge you all to try geocaching.  We had a great day outdoors and getting lots of good exercise while finding some caches.
The first geocache we searched for was in the Columbia Cemetary and the name of it was In God We Trust which is the name over the entry to the cemetary. 
 Miles is a natural geocacher.  Before I know it he'll be wanting a DROID phone.
The hint for the cache was bricklayer?  So we thought it might be round this gravesite.
We never did find the film canister that was the cache.  We plan to go back again now that we've found others and have a better idea of what to look for and where to be looking.
 The old school outhouse from the 1850s

 The next geocache was somewhere along this trail
 It was called Tree Treasure Cache and we were getting closer
 Miles finding the cache behind a lot of rocks
Inside was the log where you enter the date you found it and your name.  This one had some goodies in it.  If you take a goodie out you have to put one in.  We didn't take anything out, but Miles put a dime in.  Gotta remember to carry some trinkets with us next time.
 Putting the cache back
This picture shows part of the trail.  This geocache was called Columbia Schoolhouse, but was actually off the same trail as the one above, which was adjacent to the old schoolhouse.
 We were certain it was somewhere hidden in or under the large dead tree, but it wasn't
The film canister was tied with fishing line in a tree at the base of the roots to the downed tree.  Eagle Eyes Miles found it.
 We logged our name and date and put it back where we found it.
 Miles' stickers
My stickers.  They are everywhere and were down in my shoes, all over my shoes, and all over my crop pants, even the inside of the legs. 

Tomorrow we're headed to Costco in Modesto, CA to get dog food and a few other things.  It is about 55 miles from us.

Tuesday Miles has a appointment with my doctor in Sonora to get established as a patient and to get prescriptions for the meds he takes.  We'll also do our shopping at Cost U Less and Save Mart as they offer 5% discounts on all items to seniors on Tuesdays. 

Doggies are doing well and enjoying all the deer.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Lady. Sounds like you guys are having so much fun! That brought back so many memories, as when I was younger, I lived in Sonora and we used to go to Columbia all the time. My niece actually still lives up there. I love the pictures you took! Sent you an email, so check it out! We have some very exciting news!
