Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I'm not Julie

If you saw the movie Julie and Julia you'll realize quickly that I'm not Julie as I don't seem to be able to post here every day.  By the way, I loved that movie and have already seen it twice. 

Julie and Julia

Yesterday was a crazy day with work, then an appointment with my knee surgeon who determined I should wait another 6 weeks and then see him again as I still have quite a bit of swelling and twinges of pain.  I'll always have some swelling because of the blood clots in that leg back in 2006.  After that I rushed home to grab dinner and go to my Bible study which will be my last time as we will be in Seattle taking care of Alison and David's children while they fly to Anchorage to close on their new home.  I left early as we were having a raging snow storm.

Miles worked on touching up the paint in the upstairs bathroom and it looks so much better.  He also finished up sealing the new grout job he did.

Oh so pretty grout.

On Monday, I painted woodwork in the laundry room.  My advice, think twice before putting in 6 panel doors.  I still have the door to paint going from the laundry room into the garage.  Was waiting to see if we wanted to replace it and we've decided not to. 

Miles put the quarter round molding under the ledge on the wall separating the dining room and kitchen and around the drawers in the dining room.  Now all I have to do is paint it and the baseboard and that job will be finished up.  Looks 100% better.

Today, work was delayed until 10 because of the snow and icy roads.  This is what the front yard looked like at 3 this afternoon.

Miles is currently studying all the paperwork that was in the 5er when we bought it.  Lola also helped.

Miles talked to Mike today and everything is just about done on the 5er and hopefully we'll be getting our hands on it soon.  Probably won't get it moved to storage until we get back from David and Alison's.

I have been going through my "stuff" and took a load of stamping and scrapbooking items to work to sell yesterday.  So far have sold $30 worth of "stuff" that would have gone to Goodwill.  I'm using the money we get from selling "stuff" to buy items we'll need when we hit the road.  I have a $10 off coupon from Camping World that we'll use this weekend, probably to buy tire guards. 

Tyre Gards

Now, as promised, are a couple more pictures of the 5er.
The backside.  I love all the windows.

We are looking at adding a bike rack for our two bicycles to the ladder and a portable clothes line to the bumper.  We won't be using the dryer when we are at campgounds that don't offer power which are most of the national forest campgrounds.  Those are the ones we get half price with the golden age pass Miles has.  I'm too young to have one.  Isn't that a hoot.


Two chairs and a table.

This is where you will find me knitting some days; if not knitting then reading a good mystery.  Check back often to see more pictures and learn more about what we are up to.

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