Friday, March 26, 2010

I'm on a Roll, 3 Days in a Row

Another busy day on the homefront.  We both worked today, but no doctor, dentist, PT, or massage therapy appointments so it was a good day.

It was also laundry day.   Speaking of laundry, here is a picture of our new laundry area on the 5er. 
Stacked Washer and Dryer

The washer/dryer unit is actually in the bathroom.

Looking from the bedroom through to the living area.  Toilet is behind the closed door next to the washer/dryer.

The sink/medicine cabinet is across from the toilet area.

 Cabinet in the Toilet Area

The shower is across from the washer/dryer. What, no tub!  EGADS, can I live without a tub?  Time will tell.  I think that is what relatives are for. 

I spent a good part of the day sorting through stuff in my dog/craft/exercise room.  Lola probably thinks that her bed will be the next to go.  I did get a lot of stuff put aside for a garage sale since I'll be doing digital scrapbooking in the future.  I am keeping some of my stamps, stamp pads, papers and embellisments so I can continue to make greeting cards for friends and family during all that spare time I'll have.

It is amazing how nice the house is looking with all the decluttering going on. 

Miles' friend, Gary (the realtor/broker) came by and we got the scoop on selling the house.  The commission is what I'm not too happy about.  We'll spend some time thinking about what direction we want go with it.  Gary is a trusted friend and works hard for his clients. 

Cole, my grandson, left DC for Colorado this morning but didn't make one of those tight connections and is now spending the night in Kansas City and won't get to Denver until 3:37 tomorrow afternoon.  One day gone from his spring break.  :(

We were headed for Camping World and WalMart when we had a call from Michael, Miles' son, that his wife, Jennifer, was at the hospital with a possible stroke.  As it turned out she had inhaled some mold during some major cleaning at her work and that was the culprit and she is now back home. 

We had more snow today; typical springtime snowshowers, heavy and wet with nice big flakes.
Couch with Upsidedown Coffee Table Sitting on it

When we got in to take the pictures we had to put the slideouts out and we didn't have a lot of time so the coffee table stayed on the couch while I took the pictures.
The Dining Room
There's Even Storage Under the Seats

Well, it's past my bedtime so that's all there is for today. 

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