Saturday, March 27, 2010

Shopping Day

Today was the day we made it to Camping World and made our first purchases for RV goodies.  It wasn't to hard to decide what we would get as the funds were limited to the money I made on selling some of my scrapbooking/stamping stuff and my allowance.  Not too many things on our list fit into that budget.  So, what did we get?  We bought two dual Tyre Gards and a small step stool that is light weight and folds flat.  It is so cute.

Tyre Gards and the Step Stool Opened Up

Stool Folded Up

We also stopped off at WalMart on the way home from Camping World and picked up a few groceries.

I continued sorting thourgh my craft items deciding what I wanted to keep and putting all those non-keepers into the small room off our master bedroom which is the garage sale staging area.  The room is just about full so I'll need to have a garage sale soon after we return from Seattle.

I actually got a little knitting time in after dinner.  Speaking of which was really good.  We had bought two small turkeys after Thanksgiving and froze them..  Miles sure is a terrific cook; the turkey was very moist and super delicious.  I now have to bones in the soup pot.  Tomorrow I'll make turkey and rice soup and will freeze the leftovers. 

Are you ready for more pictures?

A Partial Short of the Bedroom
The Closet
Shelves at One End of the Closet


I still have lots of pictures of all the cupboards, and there are many.  

On March 16th we went to a membership meeting for the FCRV club.  We joined up and today made the choice to join the Gray Wolves chapter which is made up of retirees.  They go camping through the summer months and get together for a monthly dinner.  The like to hike, fish, golf, sightsee, and play games so I feel we'll fit right in.  Many of the local chapters are ATVers and if you know me, you know I can't stand the damage they do to trails, not to mention the noise they generate. 

It's about time for bed so this is a short post.


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