Saturday, March 20, 2010

Working Around the House

Thursday, March 18th, we had 70 degree weather and then Friday, March 19th, it snowed most of the day with a high of only 33.  Springtime in the Rockies has arrived.  Friday night was date night so Miles and I bundled up and went to Subway for dinner and then to King Soopers for really good cups of coffee at Tulley's and to pick up a few things.

Today, March 20th and officially the first day of Spring, has been sunny but chilly. The day has been all about getting more of those house repairs done. Miles has been working like a maniac to get the nasty grout out from the shower/tub area in the full bath upstairs so it can be regrouted properly.

I spent most of the morning painting the woodwork in the downstairs half bath.  I had hoped to get the workwork in the laundry room done too, but my left knee started hurting so stopped when I finished the bathroom and got some ice on it.  Tomorrow I'll do the laundry room.

I did get out for some fresh air while walking Lola, our 2 yr. old AU cattle dog/border collie pound pup.  We got a couple miles in.  I keep trying to add a little extra walking time in each day to get back to my 6 miles which I try to do during the winter and then 9-12 during the summer when there is more daylight.

Lola Girl
Things I hope to get done this next week:

Front door, the frame on the inside needs painting and the outside needs to be repainted too
Baseboards in the dining area need painting
Quarter round needs to be put around the drawers in the dinning room and under the small counter on the wall separating the dinning room and kitchen
Touch up ceiling with white paint where the latte paint got on it

One thing we'll have to deal with is the grout in the bathroom, kitchen, and the fireplace hearth which is cracking in places. 

I'm going to be posting some of the 5er pictures periodically so be checking back to see how it looks now.  Of course, after we get it into it's storage spot we'll be working to personalize it to our liking.


This is our new kitchen.  Lots of cupboard space and there is even a coffee maker and microwave.  I really love how many windows there are which makes for a bright environment.   You'd be surprised how many campers we looked at that were dark and gloomy inside.

Miles has gone to Home depot to get the grout for the bathroom, to check out exterior doors as we'll need to replace the one going from the laundry room into the garage, and to see if there is a product out there to repair a small boo-boo in the bathtub.  We really don't want to replace the tub if we don't have to. 

Yesterday was my first day back on my Wii since my knee surgery and it sure felt good.  Only on it for about 5 minutes, but every little bit helps.

As friends and family know, I've been doing Nutrisystem since 10/5/09 and have lost 47 pounds so far and have about 30 more to go.  The weekly losses have slowed some which is probably because I haven't been able to exercise much since the surgery.

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