Thursday, March 25, 2010

Two Days in a Row

I can't believe I did it, posted two days in a row.  There is hope.

Today was a busy day with the last PT appointment for my knee at 7 AM, work, and then a massage therapy appointment at 1:30 PM.  Miles had a dental cleaning this afternoon.

I did manage to touch up paint in the kitchen and painted around the front door on the inside which has needed to be done for a long time.  Sure does look a lot better.

Miles contacted a realtor friend of his, Gary, and he'll be coming over tomorrow to let us know things we should be doing to get the house ready to put on the market.

I've also been working on going through my craft/exercise room to see what needs to go by the wayside.  Miles will need to start working on the storage shed and the garage.  I'm hoping to do a garage sale between the time I get back from David and Alison's and before going to Jennifer's in May. 

Lola and I had a nice walk this afternoon.  There is still some snow on the ground in lots of places, but the trail down by the creek was pretty clear.  Of course, there were a lot of muddy spots.  I let Lola off her leash and she had fun running down in the creek chasing birds.  Here are a couple pictures of the trail I took this afternoon.  I walk the trail most every day.
The Trail and Cottonwood Creek by the House
Looking West at Pikes Peak from the Trail

Okay are you ready for some more 5th wheel pictures? 

Our Refrigerator/Freezer and Pantry

The pantry is really nice, it pulls out and has lots of shelves for food.  I'll have to get a picture of that next time we're in it.

The entertainment center.  Neither of our flat screen TVs will fit in the space.  ACK!! So, we'll be getting a smaller one that will fit.

 Space Below the Entertainment Center

We'll probably use this space for the tub that contains all our paperwork.  Trying to decide if that paperwork can be scanned and kept on either a DVD or a thumb drive.  Any thoughts?

We'll that's it for today.  More tomorrow?  Check back and see. 

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