Sunday, March 28, 2010

Super Sunday

Beautiful weather in Colorado today.  I believe it was in the high 50s.

Church was awesome.  We are now attending The Springs Church which is growing by leaps and bounds. 

Lola and I went for a nice walk after church.  Still a little chill in the air, but bright and sunny with no wind.

After our walk, I worked out in the front yard, raking up leaves, trimming a lot of the plants, and pulling some old weeds.  My tulips are coming up and several of the others are getting there first leaves.  The poppies are also coming up and it appears my original plant has multiplied.  They are always so pretty.  I only wish they'd bloom longer than they do.

Miles spent a lot of time cleaning up from behind the shed in the backyard.  Seems that a lot of junk had found a home back there.  I wonder who did that?

Miles also brought all the camping stuff that was in the shed into the house.  It had originally been in the pop-up, but migrated to the shed when he cleaned it out so we could list it for sale.  I went through all of it; putting the stuff we'll keep in my craft room and the stuff we'll be getting rid of into the small room of our bedroom.

I also got another sock knitted.  It was a pattern I had printed out from a website and it worked up quickly which is always a plus in my book.

I pulled out the suitcases for our trip to Seattle and I've got mine packed.  All I need to do to finish up is figure out a knitting project to take, load a couple books on my MP3 player, throw the book I'm reading in my backpack and load up my computer.  I'll probably do all that tomorrow night. 

We'll probably leave for DIA (Denver airport) about 5 Tues. morning.

Cole just called and he's going to spend the night with his friend Mason, and come over tomorrow before going back up to Jonathan's.

I'm planning on having the first garage sale the weekend after our return from Seattle or the one after that; it will all depend on the weather. 

Miles talked to Gary, the realtor/broker and he's going to give us an estimate of closing costs we will be responsible for when the house sells.  That will give us some idea of what our net will be.

Well, we still don't actually have possession of the 5er as it is still down at Intermountain having clean-up done on it.  They had to have  a container or box built for the generator and the company that built it messed up so they had to build another.  I sure hope we get it when we return from Seattle.  They've had it about a month now and we are both chomping at the bit to get our hands on it.  

The weekend is over for us and we are off to bed.

More tomorrow.

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