Wednesday, March 17, 2010

More Catch Up

After work on March 5th we headed to Intermountain Coach in the Pete the PT and Peep the Jeep. Yes, I name our vehicles. We signed all the papers on the 5er and turned over the keys to Pete. Miles had spent hours getting both vehicles all cleaned up. Why? Because after we traded Pete in, we sat down to see if we could work out a deal on the Dodge Ram 3500 sitting on the lot. So, bye-bye Peep and hello to "The Beast."

"The Beast"
My first experience driving The Beast was a scary experience.  Having had left knee surgery on 2/10 and still not at 100% on 3/8 when I got behind the wheel.  I came up to a major intersection and was unable to get my left leg up on the clutch and heading quickly to the intersection.  I think we both just about had heart attacks, but alas, slammed on the brakes and stalled it out stopping before entering the intersection.

The Beast got new air and oil filters and an oil change sortly after we got it, and then on March 15th got 3 new tires.  Tomorrow Miles will take it in for a transmission fluid change and rear end greased. 

Monday I was able to get some pictures of the inside of our 5er and printed those out and working on what will go where when we actually get it.  It is currently having a brand new 5500 generator put in and new tires put on and general clean up done on it.  We are hoping to get it real soon.  Mike, Miles' son, will be taking us both out to the mall parking lot to drive it around and practice backing up.  That should be fun.

While all this is going on we are working on getting a lot of home improvement jobs finished up. Of course, I should give credit where credit is due and that is to Miles who is doing about 95% of those jobs. I did paint the new closet doors and some woodwork in the 2nd bedroom and a portion of the stairwell that Miles worked on to smooth out a poor patch job done before I bought the house. One of us gets pretty cranky when dealing with those jobs. I want things done perfectly and Miles just wants them done. My thoughts are if it’s worth doing, its worth doing it right. I heartily believe that.


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